nathan Lean

NATHAN LEAN is an author and ​scholar of religion specializing in ​Islam and Christianity, anti-Muslim ​prejudice, and religion and ​American popular culture.

He has a PhD in Theology and ​Religious Studies from Georgetown ​University.

Nathan is the author of The ​Islamophobia Industry and ​Understanding Islam and the West, ​among others.

He has appeared in various news ​media settings, including PBS, NPR, ​The Atlantic, and Buzzfeed, and has ​delivered lectures all over the world.

Nathan's writings have been ​featured in the Los Angeles Times, ​the New York Daily News, the ​Washington Post, the San Francisco ​Examiner, CNN, Salon, The New ​Republic, and more.

He is currently writing a book on ​Islam and jazz.

Nathan lives in North Carolina with ​his wife and daughter.





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